Download Scala standard source jar files via, unpack it (do not unzip source jar files any more).
The range of parameter values that commands accept is made as general as possible. Often various forms of input are allowed. Scala combines object-oriented and functional programming in one concise, high-level language. Scala's static types help avoid bugs in complex applications, and its JVM and JavaScript runtimes let you build high-performance systems with easy… Introduction to High Performance Computing (Spark + Scala Edition) - mikecroucher/Intro_to_HPC Tooling around scala-js. Contribute to lihaoyi/workbench development by creating an account on GitHub. scala utility library. Contribute to j-keck/sclib development by creating an account on GitHub.
Contribute to marius-carp/scala-game development by creating an account on GitHub. A small utility to help in generating ScalaTags layouts from existing HTML - deterdw/scalatags-gen Giter8 template for Scala.js projects. Contribute to tues/scala-js.g8 development by creating an account on GitHub. Unified Scala.js + Scala HTTP client API. Contribute to hmil/Roshttp development by creating an account on GitHub. ScalaJS html binding library. Contribute to antonkulaga/scala-js-binding development by creating an account on GitHub. x:\drx\target\syntax\file.scala.html This is an introductory tutorial for Play framework. We create simple web applications using Play.
ScalaPBC is a tool that lets you generate Scala sources from the command line (or from a maven build). You can download the current release here: Unzip the file, and inside you will find two scripts: bin/scalapbc (and 3 Oct 2019 Title Bridge Between 'R' and 'Scala' with Callbacks. Version 3.2.16 description. A character vector describing the JAR files to download, e,g. Before importing, configure IntelliJ IDEA to use the most recent Scala plugin, which includes If you have a project open, from the File menu, select Settings. The status bar shows sbt downloading dependencies and refreshing the project:. 7 Feb 2018 Logo Scalasca Extra-P generates not only a list of potential scalability bugs but also human-readable Added the command line tool extrap-modeler to create a Extra-P experiment file with input data and models on a shell. 20 Mar 2012 In our application a single line in a file forms a unit of data to be Let's look at the code listing of the FileWorker Actor and the message scala case class. It is a sbt based project after you have downloaded the code execute The great advantage of Buckminster is that it is actually a lightweight Eclipse since all you have to do is to create some configuration files—a resource map Go to and select the update site that fits your needs.
Some tools (like overcommit require a scalastyle executable to be on your PATH Note that you will need to download the appropriate scalastyle-batch.jar and update its path accordingly Unzip this file somewhere, and run the jar like:. When opening a project that contains a .scalafmt.conf file, you will be prompted to For macOS and Linux, it's possible to download pre-built GraalVm native Edit this file (using Wordpad or another plain text editor) and change the error level from Install the latest Scala IDE from ScalaPBC is a tool that lets you generate Scala sources from the command line (or from a maven build). You can download the current release here: Unzip the file, and inside you will find two scripts: bin/scalapbc (and 3 Oct 2019 Title Bridge Between 'R' and 'Scala' with Callbacks. Version 3.2.16 description. A character vector describing the JAR files to download, e,g. Before importing, configure IntelliJ IDEA to use the most recent Scala plugin, which includes If you have a project open, from the File menu, select Settings. The status bar shows sbt downloading dependencies and refreshing the project:.
Tutorials about the Scala programming language.